Taking the guesswork out of digital markting
The opportunities created by digital marketing are vast and ever changing. The tactics that worked yesterday, may not necessarily work tomorrow. Therefore, to really strengthen your brand and keep growing your business over the long term, you need to adapt to a constantly changing marketing landscape.
There is no one way to achieve success in the digital space, most often you need to layer in different strategies at onces to boost your brand, raise awareness, engage your audience, and improve your overall ROI. However, for many busy small business owners it’s not always easy to stay up to date with the always shifting tactics and strategies of such a fast moving space.
So what do you do then? Not invest the time and resources needed to develop effective digital marketing strategies and fall further behind your competition?
Of course not.
I can help you take your digital marketing to the next level.
As a marketing consultant, my role is to examine your company’s current tactics and strategies, get a sense of what’s working, what’s not, what your competitors are doing, where your brand positioning is, engagement, ROI, etc. Then, develop & execute new, measurable and effective strategies to reach your marketing goals.
5 reasons to work with me.
1. I can help you stay up to date with shifting trends in the digital marketing space so you don’t have to.
As a small business owner you need to make sure you’re always implementing the latest and greatest strategies in order to maximize effectiveness, increase revenue and grow your business over time. That’s not always easy for a small business owner however, so that's where I come in. I help you stay up to date, thereby taking the burden of continuously educating yourself by taking online courses, attending webinars, expos, conferences, etc, off of your shoulders.
2. You can benefit from the experience and insight I’ve collected.
I’ve been a sr strategist on campaigns for industries as diverse as construction & home repair, retail, SaaS, B2B services, health care, nonprofits, legal services, real estate. Ranging in size from large, well known brands to local favorites. Depending on the client’s business objectives, campaigns often involve subtle shifts, overlaps & adjustments to tactics like paid ads, SEO, content creation, creative branding, website design, etc, for maximum effect.
3. I can save you a lot of money.
Marketing agencies with multiple employees often carry a lot of overhead costs that get passed on to you, the small business owner. Hiring an experienced, in house professional sounds like a great idea. Till you factor in the fact that even a part time employee can still be very expensive and hard to financially justify. Being a freelancer allows me to produce the same results for a fraction of the cost.
4. I can save you a lot of time & frustration.
As a small business owner with millions of things fighting for your attention, it’s often hard to find the time to take online courses, read “How To” books, and stay current on what works and what doesn’t. In many cases business owners may not even know where to start. Digital marketing is a huge umbrella term that encompases many complex activities, each with their own risks and rewards.
5 Digital Marketing Consultants have a fresh take on your company.
Your business is your baby. It’s probably one of the first things you think about when you start your day, the last when you go to bed and probably comes up quite a few times in between. That sort of situation can lead to a certain tunnel vision that obscures the bigger picture. Sometimes something as simple as a fresh perspective can be enough to shake things up and right the ship so that you can reach your objective as quickly, and efficiently as possible.